The Beginners Guide to Oily Skin; Cleansing.

Okay! We get it! having oily skin sucks!

But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should break out every oil-free, no-more-oily-skin products or remedies.

If anything you should stay away from them.

When I was 14 I really struggled with oily skin and breaking out, so bad that I was prescribed ‘Doxy’ which is an antibiotic that is often recommended to acne sufferers.

I’m going to say this once.

There is nothing wrong with taking pills to get rid of your acne.

Its normal. As teenagers, during puberty there is usually a year to a year and a half where our skin is little more than a loose cannon trying to find its balance through out all the hormone changes in our bodies. This effectively means that you may need to be a little more gentle with your skin.

But that doesn’t mean you need to run to the doctors office to be prescribed.

Instead this is a beginner guide for those teens (and adults!) with oily skin. This is everything I tried and found effective that I would DEFINITELY  recommend to others.

So yeah, Enjoy!


Okay so skincare is usually at least a 3 step process to be effective, and not all the products you use need to be “oil free” or something that get rids of oil. What I’ve found is having products that remove too much oil is actually worse than having product with oil in them.

This is because when you loose too much oil in your skin your body panics and immediately to make more oil causing you to get rid of more and so forth and so forth.

Anyway a good mild cleanser is a good place to start.

Image result for clinique mild cleanser

Clinique does this awesome cleanser which I loved. It comes out as a gel and then foams up a bit when you start to massage it in to your skin. Buy it on amazon here.

Another really good cleanser to use is the purifying cleanser from Living Nature. It’s all natural, and made in New Zealand using manuka honey which is known for its antibacterial and healing properties, however it is about $27.35 USD ($40.00 NZD) but i assure you its totally worth it!

Image result for living nature cleanser

Buy it here on the official site.

The third and final cleanser that I find amazing is Clean and Clear’s foaming facial cleanser. This one is great because its relatively cheap, can be found at most drugstores, supermarkets, or department stores and it works pretty damn well. I use this most mornings after my shower and I love the tight feeling it gives my skin after I’ve patted it dry. Anyway you can buy it on amazon here.

Image result for clean and clear foaming cleanser

A final word about cleansers.

Cleansers work best when you DON’T use them in the shower. I know it takes a little bit of extra time but your skin will thank you for it. A basin full of lukewarm water and a gentle pat dry with a towel after is best for oily skin. Cleansers themselves work best when paired with other products like toners and moisturizers, and in the first couple of days you may not see any results and that’s okay! Your body can’t heal itself immediately but chances are after the third day you’ll see a little less oil on your skin or a little less acne, either way it’s an improvement.

’til next time,



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